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- strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
- sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.

Human Capital Management

Annual Report 2018 > BUSINESS > EMPLOYEE > Human Capital Management
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Best Pratices in PZU

We are responsible - “we strive to manage employee knowledge carefully and responsibly. We build an effective legal and business structure in the PZU Group aligned to its business profile, thereby enabling us to do business effectively.”

The fundamental document regulating the issue of managing employee matters is the Human Capital Management Policy in the PZU Group adopted in 2018. This Policy’s objective is, in particular, to lend support to the execution of the PZU Group Strategy by doing the following:

  • safeguarding business needs in human capital management,
  • ensuring coherent and integrated rules for human capital management,
  • conducting coherent actions in human capital management.

In addition, topics related to managing employee issues have been captured in PZU’s Best Practices that define:

  • common values and rules for ethical management,
  • working conditions (among others remuneration policy, benefits unrelated to pay),
  • competence development,
  • occupational safety and health.
“It is worthwhile to portray the fundamental employment ratios illustrating the degree to which the policy of equality is being followed, including the number of men and women employed by the company, the percentage of employment by gender at various positions.”
Comment made during a dialogue session

At the end of 2018, the PZU Group had 41,345 employees (converted into FTEs); 24% of them were employed in PZU and PZU Życie, 3% in PZU Zdrowie and its subsidiaries, 21% in the Alior Bank Group, 39% in the Pekao Group and 7% in international companies. Women account for the better part of employees across the overall PZU Group (68%).

Total number of employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

The most women are employed in PZU Zdrowie and its subsidiaries, they represent 85% of the persons employed. This percentage is 75% in the Pekao Group. Women account for the majority in our international companies (76%).

Total number of employees by structure of employment

Total number of employees by structure of employment

13% of the employees are employed in managerial positions in the overall PZU Group. The largest number of people employed in this position is in PZU and PZU Życie. They represent 16% and 14%, respectively, of the employees converted into FTEs. They account for 14% of all the employees converted into FTEs in the Pekao Group and Link4. Armatura Kraków has the lowest number of managers (6%).

Total number of newly-hired employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

 Total number of employees by: PZU PZU Życie 
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
Women 4,015 406 10.1% 2,005 223 11.1%
Men 2,991 375 12.5% 922 195 21.2%
Total 7,006 781 11.1% 2,927 419 14.3%

Total number of newly-hired employees by age (converted into FTEs)

 Total number of employees by age: PZU PZU Życie 
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
50 1,341 113 8.5% 541 57 10.5%
Total 7,006 781 11.1% 2,927 319 14.3%

Total number of cases of attrition among employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

 Total number of employees by: PZU PZU Życie 
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
Women 4,015 327 8.2% 2,005 179 8.9%
Men 2,991 249 8.3% 922 110 11.9%
Total 7,006 576 8.2% 2,927 289 9.9%

Total number of cases of attrition among employees by age (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by age: PZU PZU Życie 
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
50 1,341 109 8.1% 541 64 11.8%
Total 7,006 576 8.2% 2,927 289 9.9%

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